What is Reputation Management?

Reputation Management is the PR service of maintaining your profile. It can involve a range of different elements but tends to include brand positioning and message development, media-relationship building, article writing & editing plus much more. The overall aim is to maintain or grow the reputation of the individual, company or campaign.

Bell Yard offer reputation management as part of two services, Legal Sector Positioning & Issues Management for any industry.

Bell Yard’s legal sector positioning is offered for clients in the legal sector, including law firms, chambers, recruitment agents and litigation funders. Typically we work to a pre-agreed brief, with clearly defined communications objectives and targets. We help clients create compelling messages on their preferred topics, and generate opportunities for intelligent commentary. Ideally a sustained PR programme builds profile and positive reputation, providing clients with significant competitive advantage and ultimately helping to support their business objectives.

For those outside of the legal sector, we advise individuals and companies who find themselves embroiled in sensitive situations and require communications advice.

From a charity discovering an employee fraud, to a company subjected to regulatory enforcement action; from a law firm whose partner face political scrutiny to a threatened exposé of a businessman’s sexual conduct; we have counselled such clients through the spectre of public disclosure.

In rare cases will a “no comment” approach suffice. The strategic aim is usually to explain, contain, adjust and move on. Careful preparation, realism and composure are key.

  • Rapid situation appraisal
  • Scenario planning and preparedness
  • Messaging and spokesperson advice
  • Anticipation of how a situation might develop
  • Recommendation of effective responses across all audiences
  • Where relevant, a review of lines of command in pressurised times.

We work with clients’ lawyers in close conjunction with client senior management, their in-house PR and, where relevant, with Counsel. These mandates often require restraint, rather than pro-active external engagement – experienced PR judgment is invaluable.

We are recognised leaders in our field. We are proud to uphold the ethical and educational standards for the PR industry as members of the CIPR and PRCA.

Example of Reputation Management – Employment dispute

Bell Yard advised a UK set on the preparation of appropriate reactive public engagement, drafting internal and potential external communications arising from an employment-related dispute, which ultimately was resolved without unwelcome media exposure.

Want to know more?

You can contact us using the details below or for further details please visit our contact page.

Bell Yard Communications Limited
21 Fleet Street
London EC4Y 1AA

+44 (0) 20 7936 2021
Email: info@bell-yard.com

We are recognised leaders in our field. We are proud to uphold the ethical and educational standards for the PR industry as members of the CIPR and PRCA.

Bell Yard Melanie Riley Bell Yard Melanie Riley Bell Yard Bell Yard Bell Yard Melanie Riley Bell Yard Melanie Riley