Counselling for Jurors for Traumatic Trials

Violence on the streets of London is something we have sadly become inured to. Reading Catherine Baksi’s article in Times Law this week about the proposal to offer jurors counselling if they are involved in traumatic trials however made us spare a thought for the members of the jury who will have to relive the recent brutal and senseless murder of 14-year-old Daniel Anjorin in a machete attack in East London.

The media coverage of the killing has been graphic and unsparing in the horrific details of how he died. That any victim, family and community should have to experience this is saddening beyond words. It is good to know that the jury who will preside over this case and the countless other dreadful and all too common cases of knife and sword crimes across the country will have access to support.

If you would like to donate to the appeal in memory of Daniel Anjorin, please visit:

‘Pilot scheme to provide counselling for jurors in traumatic trials’ (The Times):

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